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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Ultimate Source of Comfort

Are you comfortable today in the way your life is going? Did you ever stop and take the time to think about what being comfortable really means to you? If you have ever asked yourself these questions, have you taken the time to think about what your answers would be? Enough Questions.

I believe in America today we need to first identify what the word comfort means to us individually. Maybe to some it may be a physical or psychological ease, often looked at as being set free of hardship or physical pain. Yet to others it may be maintaining the presence of familiar objects, consumption of comfort foods, or just looking to our hearts where we store pleasant memories, such as a loving family and the closeness of many friends. You personal response may be comfort comes to you when you sooth, console, or bring reassurance to a close friend or stranger.

Upon identifying what comfortable means to each one of us, we must ask ourselves where do we find and store this ultimate source of comfort. We know it cannot be stored in a bank or storage facility, neither in a gilded golden box that we may refer to as a sunken treasure. We must look to our heart as our source of where our ultimate comfort is stored.

In our right to be human, we must most importantly begin with a heart that does not choose to go it's own way, but a heart that is full of abundant love and compassion, guided by a perfect heart to discover our personal source of contentment.

Now comes the ultimate question. Where do we find this perfect heart the will help us navigate us to find our own personal ultimate source of succor? I think if you take some time and try to describe your own heart, you will discover an invitation to the ultimate heart addressed specifically to you.

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