Weekly Posting Goal:

Start off your week with a new post from Spark America every Sunday to get you informed and energized, and to give you meaningful, thought provoking information and inspirational dialog to share with your friends for the entire week. I welcome your comments.

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spark America's Spirit

Spark America has come into being because of the need felt by people worldwide for a spiritual peace path that will take us from the darkness that seems to prevail, to a world of peace and love that at most times doesn't seem to be a possibility.
I believe that in order to do this we need to embrace the past, present,and the future--a foundation dedicated to the ideals of peace, love, and freedom for all, and encapsulate it in a core of love, compassion, and understanding.

We must not be misled or manipulated into believing we cannot understand how thinking for ourselves can help us obtain this seemingly elusive goal, and not depend on talking head negativity. The fact of being misled or manipulated through misinformation is one that many within America suspect today, but that few understand in its fullness and complexity. Most are still asleep to the large-scale manipulation that is taking place on a self made lethargic level.

We need to cancel out this business as usual complacency and take aim at the bulls-eye of love, understanding, forgiveness, and compassion that stands before us.

This presence rests on the shoulders of those who choose to take immediate responsibility to create things that are meaningful and worthwhile, and make them victorious upon this earth.

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