History teaches us that certain great men were responsible for their great contributions that helped shape and change the world around them, and in America one of those great men would be Abraham Lincoln. On the other side, history also discloses many not so great men whose names will not be mentioned because of the unworthiness of their actions.
In America today 95% of all people over the age of 65 who have adult children, also have grandchildren. That's about 60 million Americans! Did you know that the average age at which Americans become grandparents is 45 and that a majority of men expect to become grandfathers at age 52? That means men today can expect to spend the majority of their adult years in this very important role.Researchers have found that grandchildren who have a close relationship with a grandfather are likely to perform well in school, display positive emotional adjustment, have higher self-esteem, and a greater ability to develop and maintain friendships.
Grandfathers have lots of wisdom and life experience to draw from.They have seen events and changes come and go. Even their mistakes can have a positive purpose. Because grandfathers are one step removed from direct disciplinary and parenting responsibilities, grandchildren tend to be more relaxed, more open to sharing, and may ask more thoughtful questions of their grandfathers. As grandchildren grow, they make attempts to learn about their world, their family, relationships, and society. A grandfather's perspective, formed from years of experience, can help guide, inform, and influence the growth and development of his grandchildren.
Grandfathers can have a powerful influence on their grandchildren by teaching about perseverance, loyalty, hard work, patience, and sacrifice from their many life stories. Grandfathers have lived through wars, hard times, cultural changes, and technological revolutions and may tell their stories in a lively, engaging way that allows the story do the teaching. For those grandfathers who may not feel they have much to tell from their own life experiences, sharing simple stories about how they grew up and lessons they learned in life can help grandchildren to recognize and appreciate the generations who have gone before them, as well as develop new values. While stories may cause grandchildren to think about personal values, a grandfather's actions are important too. Grandchildren are observers, and they can learn powerful, lasting lessons from watching a grandfather go through life with a sense of humor, dignity, and generosity.
Grandfathers in America have always played an important role in the lives of their grandchildren, as well as many other contributions to others who may have been part of their daily lives. In the last few decades that role seems to have diminished to the point as to seemingly unimportant, being replaced by the new weapons of mass distraction, which are decreasing the time that should be used teaching life skills to their grandchildren. These great men are needed more now than ever in American history and need to get back in the race. Grandfathers are the last line of defense to secure the perpetuation of human values and morality to future generations of young men and women growing up in this land of the free.It is time to say enough is enough, let us show you the way.
"Grandfatherism" needs to be established as the society of men of a certain age who will establish, enable, and pass on the moral code that will lead our future generations of young people to understand the true meaning of giving of themselves to help others, and to volunteer their lives for the better good of their common man. Grandfathers need to set these standards and be the examples, both of which they will leave behind as their contributions to humanity.
In most cases grandfathers possess three very important ingredients needed to establish the strength, durability, and longevity of this mission. These three ingredients being, time, genorosity, and the wisdom to establish this new "ism" into the fabric of American culture.
It is time to get off of your easy chair, the golf course, and of course set the right course. Get out the photo albums and share stories of the past. There should not be the same excuses, just another day.
Oh bye the way, "Grandfatherism" just so happens to be a "Drakeism"
"Grandfatherism", an ism whose time has come.
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