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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Get Back In The Race

In the media and  many social conversations today we seem to be comfortable with the understanding that we need to be discussing people as “generations”. Generation this, generation that,  and what each generation has and has not accomplished. This is a conversation that because all we seem to do is blame the OTHER generation for life as it is in the US today, will never be a conversation of action. I am a part of the “Men of a Certain Age” generation that seems to have given up and stopped carrying the torch that will help Americans to win the race. Who told you to give up and get out of the race? Who told you to give up your commitment to be a “Mighty Man”, for its ok  just the way things are? Things haven’t changed in American for at least the last 30 years. It is time for the” Men of a Certain Age”generation to  get back in the race and show the other generations what it means to be a man of Integrity and honor. Mighty men who used to stand for something and have decided it is better to sit. That it is ok for someone else to show us how to get the job done. Now is the time to wake up and be the generation of men who spark others to follow their lead. Through our life long commitment to help others, we will be that catalyst that will demonstrate through our actions that putting the needs of others before our own is what shapes a nation and builds a strong foundation. We men of a certain age MUST be the generation of truth and love. We are the last line of defence against all that seems to be going wrong in this greatest country in the world. Our time is now. If not now, when?

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