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Monday, November 19, 2012

Mighty Men --The New Spark

The call is going out now in the United States to find the solutions to all the problems that are plaguing us and threatening our role in the world as the leaders of world peace. The call is coming but it is not coming from Washington DC, it should be coming from every man who calls himself a man. We don't need just ordinary men, we need "Mighty Men".

Ordinary men just sit there and watch as the core values this great nation was founded upon erode faster and faster with the dawn of each new day. We must turn ordinary men into"Mighty Men" and begin again to rebuild those precious and strong values that will spread like wild fire across this great nation to begin a new path of truth and rightfulness.

"Mighty Men" will be men that will give their all and will begin by pledging allegiance to this great land and show everyone the true meaning of volunteerism. They will be the example to our younger generations of men what it means to be the lead dog. When ever dog sleds are needed they always put the dog with the strongest heart, physical strength, and the ability to lead in the front, knowing that the other dogs will follow their lead and will always have their back, knowing pulling together as a team will lead them to their destination.

In being good men, husbands and fathers, they will always be the example of what unconditional love is and will always seek and speak the truth to others and always be strong and protective.

Becoming a "Mighty Man" will not come without struggles and determination, but with these struggles and true grit will emerge a stronger, caring, and loving America. It will be these men who will keep on giving even when there seems to be nothing else left to give.

To this end we will need the spark we will get from our "Mighty Men". You can't start a fire without a spark, the time to spark is now.

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